Hosting the most renowned dental equipment and material producers of the world, the largest dental gathering of Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa IDEX Istanbul International Dental Equipment and Materials Exhibition will be organised on May 25-28, 2023 in Istanbul Exhibition Center. As one of the most prestigious exhibitions dedicated to oral & dental healthcare industries, IDEX will reunite domes- tic and international players in Istanbul.
Featuring over 500 local and foreign exhibitors and over 4000 brands showcasing their cutting edge products, IDEX 2022 - 18th International Dental Equipment and Materials Exhibition, one of the proudest exhibitions of our country, is expected to generate over 80 thousand visits largely by dentists and dental technicians within the course of 4 exhibi- tion days.
IDEX geared up to be organised on an area of 50.000 sqms, set new records by hosting over 51.400 domes- tic visitors and 24.748 international professionals con- sisting mainly of dental professionals from over 80 countries achieved 76.148 visits along the 4 exhibition days and greatly contributed to the creation of $200 million trading volume on its previous edition.