DİŞSİAD - Dental Materials Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Erkan UÇAR, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Board Member Mr. Münir ÜSTÜN, Turkish Dental Association Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Dt. Ahmet Tarık İŞMEN, T.R. Head of the Oral and Dental Health Department of the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Services, Mr. Assoc. Dr. Emre KORKUT, T.R. Deputy Chairman of Medical Devices and Cosmetic Products, Ministry of Health, Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Dr. IDEX Istanbul opening ceremony was held with the participation of Mehmet Hakan FIRAT, State Materials Office Chairman and General Manager Mr. Şinasi CANDAN, TİM Deputy Chairman Mr. Ahmet GÜLEÇ and TİM Deputy Chairman and President of Istanbul Chemical Substances and Products Exporters Association Mr. Adil PELISTER.